What’s your top tip for making the job easier?
Organisation. Using something like Awesome Cal or Google Calendar where you can book all your clients into specific time slots and colour coordinate them really helps. The more you can take off your plate during the day the easier things run.
How has new technology and innovation affected landscaping?
It’s had a massive impact. The fact that we can run marketing campaigns, manage our books, make client appointments, receive payments, order new kit and equipment just from our phones shows exactly how far we have come. Remote/robot-controlled mowers and the like are definitely the future... although I believe there will always be a place for a manned machine!
What are the biggest challenges facing professional landscapers today?
It’s becoming very apparent that there’s a huge change in the weather. Worldwide we are seeing more bush fires and flooding, seasons are changing with plants blooming out of sync to normal. We are seeing diseases like red thread that weren’t a big issue years ago becoming more prevalent. If it doesn’t put us out of business it’s definitely changing the way we work.
What piece of professional advice do you wish you were given when you started?
Trust yourself and your ability. There are so many things to know and learn. I sometimes think this may have stopped me from starting my business sooner. The truth is, you just need to trust yourself. You are more than capable of running a successful business and if your willingness to succeed is high enough, you already have the ability to achieve just that.
What are the most commonly asked questions from your followers?
‘How do I fix my lawn?’. And to that I answer: commonly a simple renovation will take a lawn back to a healthier state to which you can then build on.
Most frequent barriers to getting the job done successfully?
A clients’ willingness! Sometimes what needs to be done, isn’t necessarily what the client wants! Working within particular parameters, but remaining flexible and offering that customer service to build customer satisfaction is all part and parcel of a business.
Do you have any advice for those wanting to start a career in the industry?
Just do it. Doing anything is better than nothing. Research the area you wish to practice in, learn the basics like the back of your hand, market hard from day one as if you were a multi-million-pound company and stay true to yourself and your business’ vision.
Top tips for building and growing a successful company?
1. Marketing is key
There isn’t a lack of work, there’s a lack of marketing. Market yourself correctly and consistently until the point where you can’t take on any more work. At that point you either stagnate or grow. The choice is made with what you choose to do with your marketing.
2. Professionalism
Whether that is being in uniform or having uniformity across all social platforms, professionalism is seen a mile away. This alone can build much needed trust between yourself and your client. Eyes are always on you and your business, especially when you don’t expect it!
3. Be reliable
Reliability is what will continue to keep clients coming back to you, that and a well completed job.
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