13 dic 2024

Kawasaki Engines Christmas Quiz 2024

Community Kawasaki
Kawasaki Engines Christmas Quiz 2024

Merry Christmas from Kawasaki Engines! It’s time for our annual Christmas quiz – so get ready to down tools, put your feet up, and test your knowledge this festive season.

If you’re a true Kawasaki quiz master, you’ll unlock a small Christmas surprise to share on social – test your skills.

 Click on the image below to take the quiz!



1-3 – Better luck next time! Time to power up your knowledge and try again.

4-6 – Almost! You’ve just missed out on our Christmas surprise.

7-9 – Merry Christmas! Celebrate your astonishing know-how by downloading and sharing our season’s greetings.

Did you get all of our questions right? Share your success with us on social, or have another go!

Are you still making a wishlist for Christmas? Gift yourself the best present a landscaper can ask for, and explore equipment Powered by Kawasaki.

From everyone here at Kawasaki Engines, we wish you a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year. We look forward to another brilliant year for the world of landscaping and lawn care!


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