23 mai. 2017

Kawasaki Engines launch unified global logo

Comunidade Kawasaki
Kawasaki Engines launch unified global logo

Kawasaki today announces a new unified global logo to represent the Kawasaki Engines brand internationally.

Launching this month, all of Kawasaki’s worldwide Engine Divisions will introduce the new look on promotional and technical materials, to OEM businesses, Distributors and Dealers that utilise Kawasaki Engines in lawn care, industrial, and related markets.

The move follows significant recent growth for the international Divisions and is intended to strengthen and unify the brand’s global identity.

Commenting on the launch, Jack Ford, Senior Product Manager at Kawasaki’s European Engine Division said “The new logo demonstrates our continued investment in the long term future of the Engine business. It’s clean, contemporary approach and bold design features represent the solid reliability of our products and the strength of Kawasaki Engines across the globe.”

He continues, “This has been an ongoing process between the international teams and we believe the resulting logo achieves a look that complements Kawasaki’s other companies and divisions, yet one that distinctly addresses the needs of the Engine Divisions for a strong, global presence.”

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