1 Aug. 2023

Social media post ideas for your landscaping business

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Social media post ideas for your landscaping business

Digital marketing has become a pillar for the growth of businesses worldwide, in a variety of industries – and the landscaping industry is no different. The visual nature of landscaping makes social media an ideal tool to market your landscaping business.

With social media platforms often doubling as search engines – YouTube is the largest search engine in the world after Google – getting into the habit of posting regularly to your social media pages is a surefire way to increase your visibility and get your business in front of new clients. 

We've come up with a handful of landscaping social media post ideas to get you started!

Social media platforms for landscapers

With social media marketing, where you post can be as important as what you post, so before you get started make sure you know which platforms to use. Some sites will favour a more curated portfolio of your work, while others will be better for connecting to audiences and passing along information.

The social media platforms most relevant to landscaping or lawn care businesses will likely be:

  • Instagram – a great visual platform to show videos and photos of your work
  • Facebook – good for interacting with your customer base and accessing neighbourhood groups
  • TikTok – ideal for short, engaging videos to highlight what you do in the industry
  • YouTube – great for timelapses, tutorials on machines and longer based video content

It’s worth keeping an eye on the changing landscape of social media as different platforms are introduced and rise in popularity. Newer apps such as Threads which has an easy subscription through its Instagram base and has grown to over 100 million users in its first week may prove to be a good platform to post quick business updates, converse with clients and provide short landscaping tips.

Before and after photos

Before and after photos are the bedrock of any landscaping company or gardening business’ marketing. They show potential customers exactly what you're capable of when it comes to transforming an outdoor space.

The trick with before and after photos is remembering to take the 'before' shot. If there's a particularly tricky element you know you'll be tackling, make sure to capture it.

Once you're finished, photograph the finished transformation. If you want to learn how to take professional looking photos of your landscaping services, take a look at our top tips here.

Behind-the-scenes videos

Advertising your business on social media isn't always about the finished product. The great thing about social media is that it can create a sense of community, and people love to see the faces they'll be dealing with should they book your services.

Give them a glimpse into the running of your company by showing everyday operations, preparing for a job, a new landscaping project on the horizon or any new machines you have.

Remember to turn the camera around from time to time; film yourself speaking about what you’re doing so that viewers can connect your business to a face. They’ll feel much more comfortable reaching out to book your services when they know exactly who they’ll be talking to.

Show off your favourite equipment

The equipment you use can be an exciting part of the job for those looking in from the outside.

Consider filming a how-to video on how to use some of your favourite machines, showcasing the excellent finish they produce. Showing high-quality machines – like those powered by a Kawasaki engine – and your skill in using them will leave a good impression on potential customers and assure them they're getting the best landscaping service possible.

Offer tips and advice

One of the biggest motivations behind people turning to a social media site is education. By providing some handy hints and tricks about maintaining an outdoor space between services, you can build a rapport with both potential and existing clients while broadcasting your position as an authority in your field. You can share your tips in several ways.

Post advice as short video clips

To stretch your ideas further, share your tips one at a time, either in their own dedicated post or as short individual videos. Instagram reels, YouTube shorts and TikTok are all great platforms to host these short-form videos as they'll be circulated outside of your follower list. It's the perfect opportunity to attract new clientele to your landscaping services and will encourage people to keep coming back to visit your page for more handy advice.

Make it seasonal

Keep your ideas and posts fresh by making your hints and tips seasonal. More than any other industry, landscaping is bound by the weather, so at-home gardeners are constantly looking for advice on how to manage their outdoor spaces year-round.

Try sharing the best way to stop grass from turning brown in the summer, or how to make sure grounds survive the winter frost. And of course, where appropriate recommend your services as the ideal way to revive an impacted garden.

Time lapse your work

There's nothing more satisfying than seeing a project evolve from start to finish, and a time-lapse gives your audience the chance to do this in the space of a couple of minutes.

These days nearly all smartphones have a time-lapse feature programmed into their camera settings that does the hard work for you. Simply open your camera app, then scroll through the available modes at the bottom of the screen until you find it. From there it’s as easy as pressing record and getting to work.

Set up your phone or camera in a place that has a whole view of the space you're working on. Once it's set up you can leave the camera running while you work.

After the job is done upload your video into editing software such as iMovie, CapCut or Inshot and increase the speed by x6 to start then tweak accordingly. For these types of videos, 30-60 seconds is ideal.

Consider narrating what you're doing in the video via a voiceover to keep your audience interested for longer.

Answer FAQs

Similar to offering advice, answering common questions will build your authority in your industry and give the impression to potential customers that you're someone they can trust.

Here are a couple of ways to share your expertise:

Film a YouTube video

The most straightforward way is to simply sit in front of a camera and talk through your answers. Be detailed in your response, but try to keep answers short and to the point to maintain your audience's attention.

You can note down actual client questions from recent jobs, or put out a request on FaceBook, Instagram or Twitter for your following to send you their questions.

Reply on Instagram stories

The question feature on Instagram lets you directly answer follower questions, either through video responses or by typing out your answers. Post a story using the feature, requesting your audience to send you questions. Wait for a few hours while the questions roll in then get to answering.

Customer feedback

The greatest endorsement for your business is customer feedback, so why not shout about a job well done? If a client is particularly pleased with your work they'll likely be more than willing to tell your following about it.

Snap a photo of them smiling in front of the finished outdoor space and caption the photo with a quote from them explaining what they liked about the landscaping service you provided.

If your client isn't too camera shy, you can always ask them to provide this quote on video which you can post across social media platforms as a glowing review. If they are shy, then a photo of the work accompanied by a written quote would also work!

Extra social media tips

Post consistently

Social media can be a numbers game. Try to post at least 3 times a week across different social media platforms for the best results. Remember the more you post, the more chance your content and your business will get before prospective customers. Remember to regularly encourage your audience to contact you with their needs directly at the end of posts, and include your business email in your social media bios.

Respond to comments

79 percent of consumers expect a response within 24 hours. Social media posts are a dialogue between your business and your audience. Make sure to check your inbox on a regular basis to catch any questions or enquiries, and respond to anyone who comments on your posts.

Keep it varied

The great thing about the above ideas is that they can be re-used and can be posted to more than just one social media platform at a time. Before and after shots can be posted after every job, as can a time-lapse video. That being said, keep your audiences interested by rotating through different ideas, posting a mix of video, photos and more informative posts.

Paid social media

Paid media campaigns can offer instant access to leads, helping businesses generate more visibility, engagement, and revenue. If you want to give your social media posts an extra boost, paid social media is also something you can look into. 

For a small business, Facebook Targeted Ads are a good place to start. They narrow an audience down to just a few hundred people based on geography, interests, demographics, and more – it can be the difference between a slow month and a packed calendar for a small business.

Show us your posts

Landscaping is tough work without adding marketing into the mix. By following these ideas and taking a look at our one year marketing plan for small businesses, you can hand over some of the heavy-thinking.

We want to see how you put these tips into practice! If you use any of our ideas, share them with us via our social media – we’d love to see them!

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